Saturday, June 30, 2007


Holden Caulfield on the Disciples:

I like Jesus and all, but I don't care too much for all the other stuff in the Bible. Take the Disciples, for instance. They were all right after Jesus was dead and all, but while He was alive, the were about as much use to Him as a hole in the head. All they did was keep letting Him down. I like almost anybody in the Bible better than the Disciples.
(Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, 99)

Friday, June 29, 2007


Even if you live under a rock, you know that the much anticipate "miracle" device known as the iPhone came out today. The big boys figure they'll sell about a million just this first weekend. And for those of us that aren't shelling out the cash for this beauty, we should have at least bought some of Apple's stock, so we could then afford to buy one.

Aside from the mass amounts of YouTube videos out there, the User's Guide on Apple's website is just as exciting.

Photo Friday

My photos are still primarily from Thailand-- I still have quite a few to edit too. The first is a lotus that was at the hotel we stayed at in Phuket. The second is from the beach.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Solid Rock

There's something about song that is different than regular speech. It's easy to remember the lyrics to songs only having heard them a few times. Placing a rhythm and melody behind words somehow gives them force that transcends words that hang in the air with no tonal support. They tug at our emotions and bring us more fully into the full sense of the words that come out of our mouth. Most often, even if we can't meet the correct tones ourselves, we are struck by their depth of meaning.

The hymn writers, I think, had a strong sense to this. Edward Mote, desiring to write a hymn that explained the gracious experience of a Christian wrote "Solid Rock." We sang this at Grace a few weeks ago. The fourth verse struck me hard,

When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh may I then in Him be found.
Dressed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.
What lyrics, Christ-exalting or otherwise, get stuck in your head? Does it cause you pause when you get out of the car and Akon is the only thing banging around in there? It does me.

Monday, June 25, 2007


What a funny little word-- hiatus. It's a good word. It means, well, it means, um, yes. You should know what it means.

I took one regardless of what it means. I finished up my semester and went down to Tulsa for a few days and a wedding. Celebrated Father's day by rockin' the Golf Club. Honestly it was about the best golf I've ever played.

I'm still editing photos from Thailand.

I'm around more, I guess, and hopefully will be back into this whole blog world. I really want to develop a better page and that's probably a big reason why I haven't been more active recently.

Anyone have any suggestions as to what to add? What makes for a good blog-- content, style, appearance? Any good editors that I should be aware of?