If you didn't go over to the Resurgence for their live feed for the Text&Context Conference, you should. It's a really great feed to watch. I caught about half of the Q&A with Piper, Driscoll and Chandler.
I figured out how to embed it here, for those too lazy to click.
The rest of their schedule (in PST) is:
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
10:00 am Session 10 – Jim Gilmore – Context: Decoding the Future, the
Phoniness, and the Shifting Sands
11:20 am Q& A with Jim Gilmore
1:00 pm Session 11 – Mark Driscoll – Text & Context: Preaching Jesus
Christ To Pagan Culture
2:15 pm Q & A with Mark Driscoll
End of Main Conference -- Post-Conference Sessions Begin
3:00 pm Session 12 – Jeff Vanderstelt - Biblical Missiology (Acts 29
4:30 pm Session 13 – Darrin Patrick - Leading the Mission (Acts 29